- 人文学研究科
- Humanities
- 教育発達科学研究科
- Education and Human Development
- 法学研究科
- Law
- 経済学研究科
- Economics
- 情報学研究科
- Informatics
- 理学研究科
- Science
- 医学系研究科(医学)
- Medicine
- 医学系研究科(保健)
- Medicine (Health Sciences)
- 工学研究科
- Engineering
- 生命農学研究科
- Bioagricultural Sciences
- 国際開発研究科
- International Development
- 創薬科学研究科
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 環境学研究科
- Environmental Studies
- 多元数理科学研究科
- Mathematics
理学専攻 -
Department of Natural Science -
理学専攻 -
Department of Natural Science -
Secrets of Matter from the Nucleus
物質理学専攻 -
Secrets of Matter from the Nucleus
Department of Material Science -
New Methods of Black Holes Observation: An Interstellar Contrail Created by Fast-moving Black Hole
理学専攻 -
New Methods of Black Holes Observation: An Interstellar Contrail Created by Fast-moving Black Hole
Department of Natural Science -
Exploring Elementary Particle Physics with AI
理学専攻 -
Exploring Elementary Particle Physics with AI
Department of Natural Science -
理学専攻 -
Department of Natural Science -
Search for the physics beyond the standard model by precise measurement of B meson
素粒子宇宙物理学専攻 -
Search for the physics beyond the standard model by precise measurement of B meson
Department of Particle and Astrophysical Science -
Nuclear Fusion, Turbulence, Plasma For Energy of Dream
素粒子宇宙物理学専攻 -
Nuclear Fusion, Turbulence, Plasma For Energy of Dream
Department of Particle and Astrophysical Science -
First step to connect nanocarbons and other fields
物質理学専攻 -
First step to connect nanocarbons and other fields
Department of Material Science -
On a Diet? What is the origin of mass?
理学専攻 -
On a Diet? What is the origin of mass?
Department of Natural Science -
Strigolactone; the molecule connecting plants and fungi
理学専攻 -
Strigolactone; the molecule connecting plants and fungi
Department of Natural Science -
Neuromodulator affects mosquito ear function
理学専攻 -
Neuromodulator affects mosquito ear function
Department of Natural Science -
理学専攻 -
Department of Natural Science -
New interaction search with neutron
素粒子宇宙物理学専攻 -
New interaction search with neutron
Department of Particle and Astrophysical Science -
The beauty of chemically modified mRNA: a transformative tool in precision medicine.
理学専攻 -
The beauty of chemically modified mRNA: a transformative tool in precision medicine.
Department of Natural Science -
素粒子宇宙物理学専攻 -
Department of Particle and Astrophysical Science -
理学専攻 -
Department of Natural Science -
Explore optical properties in 2D materials
物質理学専攻 -
Explore optical properties in 2D materials
Department of Material Science -
Photoluminescence spectroscopy of Ga doped hexagonal boron nitride
物質理学専攻 -
Photoluminescence spectroscopy of Ga doped hexagonal boron nitride
Department of Material Science -
理学専攻 -
Department of Natural Science


To all students interested in Nagoya University's Doctoral Program Support Initiative
We provide various financial support programs during the standard period of study for outstanding and motivated doctoral students, aiming for them to play an active role in diverse fields of society after obtaining the degree. If you are interested, please refer to the link below. We look forward to your challenges.