- 人文学研究科
- Humanities
- 教育発達科学研究科
- Education and Human Development
- 法学研究科
- Law
- 経済学研究科
- Economics
- 情報学研究科
- Informatics
- 理学研究科
- Science
- 医学系研究科(医学)
- Medicine
- 医学系研究科(保健)
- Medicine (Health Sciences)
- 工学研究科
- Engineering
- 生命農学研究科
- Bioagricultural Sciences
- 国際開発研究科
- International Development
- 創薬科学研究科
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- 環境学研究科
- Environmental Studies
- 多元数理科学研究科
- Mathematics
International Development
国際開発協力専攻 -
Department of International Development and Cooperation -
国際開発協力専攻 -
Department of International Development and Cooperation -
The TAPI gas pipeline : A case study of regional development projects in South and Central Asia
国際開発協力専攻 -
The TAPI gas pipeline : A case study of regional development projects in South and Central Asia
Department of International Development and Cooperation -
Exploring Security and Threats to Security in Afghanistan : Perspectives from Ordinary Individuals
国際開発協力専攻 -
Exploring Security and Threats to Security in Afghanistan : Perspectives from Ordinary Individuals
Department of International Development and Cooperation -
夜間光や日中衛星データから見る地域経済 中国における地域格差と産業変化
国際開発協力専攻 -
夜間光や日中衛星データから見る地域経済 中国における地域格差と産業変化
Department of International Development and Cooperation


To all students interested in Nagoya University's Doctoral Program Support Initiative
We provide various financial support programs during the standard period of study for outstanding and motivated doctoral students, aiming for them to play an active role in diverse fields of society after obtaining the degree. If you are interested, please refer to the link below. We look forward to your challenges.