留学生の皆さんへ/To international students
- 日本企業へのキャリア支援(HPやセミナー、個人面談など)は基本的には日本語を使用しています。
- 理系の外国人留学生で、専門性を生かしたい場合には、研究室や研究科において情報収集をする場合が多いです。
- 日本のアカデミックポジションの公募情報は、JREC-INを利用しましょう。
- 文系の博士の企業就職は、日本人も外国人留学生も事例が少ないのが日本の社会の現状です。
- 専門分野と共に、博士の研究過程で培った力を評価されて、博士人材は多種多様な分野や職で日本企業で活躍していますが、その場合には日本語能力が必要になります。よって、キャリア支援も日本語で行っています。
ー日本語を学ぶプログラムのご紹介 (対象:名古屋大学所属の外国人留学生)
Employment support for international students
If you are an international student in STEM major and want to leverage your specialty, it is common to gather information in your laboratory or grad school. Please use JREC-IN for open recruitment information for academic positions in Japan.
Unfortunately, as for the current state of Japanese society, there are few cases of employment in companies for doctors in liberal arts/humanities, whether they are Japanese or international students.
Not only in specialized fields knowledge, but also in recognition of the abilities cultivated in the doctoral research process and experiences, doctoral students are active in Japanese companies in wide variety of fields and jobs. However, to thrive in Japanese companies. Japanese language ability is essential. Therefore, Japanese is mainly used for websites, seminars, and personal consultation, in Career Education Office.
Individual consultations and counseling
If you would like to have a personal consultation and consulting in English, please make an appointment from NU-NAVI.
Introduction of programs for learning Japanese (Target: International students belonging to Nagoya University)
Nagoya University offers several programs for international students who want to learn Japanese.Please check this page for more details.
お役立ちリンク集/Useful links collection
Career Support Center:For International Students
Aigi International Students Career Support Consortium:留学生就職促進プログラム
ALWAYS NU:名古屋大学の外国人留学生向けに、来日前に必要な手続きや名古屋大学でのキャンパスライフ、日本での生活に役立つ情報等を提供
NPO法人 Nagoya Ryugakusei Net:名古屋地域の大学院留学生/留学希望者を応援する NPO 法人