2024年度MNS事業Boot Camp/2024 Boot Camp initiated by MNS Program Report
メイク・ニュー・スタンダード(MNS)事業 2024年度Boot Camp 開催報告
(English follows Japanese)
9月25日、26日に1泊2日で、博士後期課程の学生支援事業であるMNS事業第一回目のBoot Campを行いました。名古屋大学、岐阜大学合同で、本事業の採択学生(RESEARDENT)D1を中心とした約150名と、教職員15名が参加しました。Boot Campの目的は、様々な分野の学生が、寝食をともにしながら研究について活発に議論することで、イベント終了後も継続して仲間との絆を深め、さらには将来的には融合研究や共同研究のきっかけ作りになることを目指しています。
実施後のアンケートでは、Boot Camp全体に対して、82%の学生が「大変満足」「満足」、異分野の学生との交流を通して、96%の学生が、「大変学びがあった」「学びがあった」と回答がありました。
文責 学術上席専門職 寺澤ますみ
DEC Activity Report
Make New Standards Program for the Next Generation Researchers (MNS Program)
2024 Boot Camp Report
November 2024
On September 25 and 26, a one-night, two-day Boot Camp was held as part of the MNS Project, a student support initiative for doctoral students. This event brought together approximately 150 students, primarily first-year doctoral students (RESEARDENT D1), selected for the program from Nagoya University and Gifu University, along with 15 faculty and staff members. The goal of the Boot Camp was to encourage students from various fields to engage in active discussions about their research while sharing meals and accommodations. The event aimed to foster lasting connections among participants, which could potentially lead to interdisciplinary or collaborative research in the future.
Amidst a lush, green environment, participants were grouped with members from different research fields to take on the challenging theme of “Idea generation for interdisciplinary research that leverages each individual’s expertise”. Rather than focusing on a final output, this session emphasized the discussion process. Although students initially seemed hesitant, they ultimately delivered well-thought-out presentations. To respect student autonomy, 14 senior doctoral students joined the planning stage and also accompanied the groups on the day of the event as mentors, assisting with overall operations and supporting the group discussions.
In the post-event survey, 82% of the students reported being “very satisfied” or “satisfied” with the overall Boot Camp experience. Additionally, 96% of the students responded that they “learned a lot” or “gained insights” through interactions with students from different research fields.
In 2025, we plan to hold Boot Camp twice – June and November.
Written by Masumi Terasawa, Senior Academic Specialist