


MNS事業活動報告/ MNS Program Report 体験型ワークショップ@JICA/ Workshop @JICA

MNS事業活動報告/ MNS Program Report
体験型ワークショップ@JICA/ Workshop @JICA


(English follows Japanese)









文責 学術上席専門職 寺澤ますみ

On December 19, we visited the JICA Headquarters and the JICA Global Plaza. A total of 19 doctoral students from diverse fields such as humanities, economics, medicine, science, bioagricultural sciences, engineering, and environmental studies participated in the visit.

At the JICA Headquarters, we had the opportunity to engage in discussions, including over lunch, with three staff members primarily involved in African development. They shared valuable insights about their work at JICA and the potential contributions of doctoral researchers. Additionally, we were inspired by the pride and passion young staff members had for their work at JICA.

In the afternoon, we moved to the JICA Global Plaza, where we learned about the SDGs from various perspectives and participated in a workshop among students. The workshop focused on discussing and prioritizing the key factors necessary for national development. We ranked nine items, such as “Health & Security,” “Strong Government,” and “Diversity, Gender,” based on our perspectives and shared our thoughts with each other. The staff noted that the presentations, which incorporated the insightful viewpoints of doctoral students, were the most advanced they had ever seen.

In the post-event survey, 15 out of the 19 participants responded, with a satisfaction rate of 100% (67% very satisfied, 23% satisfied). Below are some excerpts from the participants’ comments:

“We had the opportunity to hear about the careers of JICA staff members. They shared their reasons and backgrounds for choosing this path. Particularly in the morning, they explained in depth how their research connects with public service and how it contributes to society in concrete ways.”

“Through this workshop, I was able to gain a deeper understanding of the role and developmental process of doctoral researchers in international aid activities. It was a great opportunity to broaden my perspective on career planning. I am truly grateful.”

“In this workshop, we discussed the factors that are important and unimportant in a country’s development process. Through the presentations of other groups, I learned many different ways of thinking and gained a deeper understanding of the importance of respecting diversity. In my future studies and life, I will strive to view things with a more inclusive and open-minded perspective.”

Written by Masumi Terasawa, Senior Academic Specialist