


2024MNS事業活動報告~岡崎高校English Communication Training

2024MNS事業活動報告~岡崎高校English Communication Training



 2月3日、MNSに採択されている6名の博士後期課程の留学生が岡崎高校に出向き、English Communication Training における講師を務めました。講師の出身国は中国2名、スリランカ1名、イタリア1名、インドネシア1名、アフガニスタン1名と多岐に渡り、岡崎高校からは約50名の生徒が参加、講師の出身国について、名古屋大学での研究についての発表を熱心に聞き、その後積極的に質問をしました。本プログラムは高校生の国際性の涵養、英語力の向上、視野を広げるといった目的、また名大の留学生にとっては、日本文化の涵養、教育職のキャリアパス構築支援、トランスファラブルスキルの向上を目的としました。さらに、大学としては高校生の段階で研究というものに興味を持ち、一人でも多くの学生が将来博士課程に進み研究を行ってもらいたいという思いがありました。イベントは盛況の中終了し、イベント後のアンケート結果等から一定の目標が達成できたことが分かりました。





I could explain in easy-to-understand terms for high school students. This is important if I want to be a science communicator in the future. 

It was my first time presenting my research to high school students, so I put a lot of effort in making the contents accessible. I think this is a very important skill in an age where academic research is extremely inaccessible to the public domain.

Through my interactions with the students, I was reminded of the importance of maintaining a constant sense of curiosity and a thirst for knowledge about the world and scientific questions. I also learned the value of never being afraid to ask new questions and observing from unique perspectives.

文責 学術上席専門職 寺澤ますみ


2024 MNS Program Report: English Communication Training at Okazaki High School

February 2025

On February 3rd, six doctoral students selected for the MNS program visited Okazaki High School and served as instructors for an English Communication Training session. The instructors came from a diverse range of countries: two from China, one from Sri Lanka, one from Italy, one from Indonesia, and one from Afghanistan. About 50 students from Okazaki High School participated in the session, listening attentively to presentations about the instructors’ home countries and their research at Nagoya University. They actively asked many questions afterward.

This program aimed to cultivate international awareness among high school students, enhance their English proficiency, and broaden their perspectives. For the international students at Nagoya University, it provided an opportunity to deepen their understanding of Japanese culture, explore career paths in education, and develop transferable skills. Additionally, from the university’s perspective, the program sought to inspire high school students to develop an interest in research and encourage as many as possible to pursue doctoral studies in the future.

The event concluded successfully, and post-event survey results indicated that certain objectives had been achieved.

[Comments from survey]

(International doctoral students of Nagoya University)

I could explain in easy-to-understand terms for high school students. This is important if I want to be a science communicator in the future.

 It was my first time presenting my research to high school students, so I put a lot of effort in making the contents accessible. I think this is a very important skill in an age where academic research is extremely inaccessible to the public domain.

 Through my interactions with the students, I was reminded of the importance of maintaining a constant sense of curiosity and a thirst for knowledge about the world and scientific questions. I also learned the value of never being afraid to ask new questions and observing from unique perspectives.

Written by Masumi Terasawa, Senior Academic Specialist