

研究専念支援金180,000円/月、研究費250,000円/年 支給
申請期間 事前申込登録 2021年9月7日(火)~ 2021年9月13日(月)17日(金)13:00締切 ※延長しました
申請書類受付 2021年9月15日(水)~ 2021年9月21日(火)13:00受付締切
募集対象 募集1
博士後期課程  2021年10月 博士1年次在籍者
医学博士課程  2021年10月 博士2年次在籍者
博士後期課程  2021年10月 博士2年次在籍者
医学博士課程  2021年10月 博士3年次在籍者
博士後期課程  2021年10月 博士3年次在籍者
医学博士課程  2021年10月 博士4年次在籍者
(1)バイオサイエンス分野 32名程度
(2)革新的学際分野 25名程度
(3)脱炭素・環境分野 25名程度
(4)グローカル推進分野 16名程度






申請手続き ※追加募集の申請手続きは研究科からの案内に従ってください。




申請事前登録フォーム <=追加募集の方は、事前申請は不要です。研究科からの案内に従ってください。






学内申請者の方NUCT(Nagoya University Collaboration and course Tools) から申請書類を提出




NUSSNagoya University Storage Service)にアップロードしてください

学内申請者の方NUCT(Nagoya University Collaboration and course Tools) に提出用URLを掲載します。




  指導教員等推薦書提出フォーム <=指導教員の方は、こちらから提出をしてください。





面接選考日 10月21日(木)9:00~18:00



面接選考日 11月2日(火)9:00~18:00










Click “EN” on the page top right corner.

Nagoya University introduced the “THERS Interdisciplinary Frontier Next Generation Researcher” in October 2021.

The THERS Interdisciplinary Frontier Next Generation Researcher Project (hereinafter referred to as “this project”) aims to resolve various issues facing the world and Japan, and to develop doctoral human resources who will lead a future knowledge-based society. Doctoral students are already at the forefront of research and supporting the foundation of university research. This project will provide financial support to such excellent students, and provide courses for them to acquire the skills required by companies, etc., thereby creating an environment in which they can devote themselves to their research without having to worry about employment.

In addition, by providing opportunities for interaction with doctoral students with different specialties, mentors with different values, and graduates of the program for leading graduate schools who serve as role models, the program encourages the development of new research based on original ideas and the creation of fusion research.

This program will be implemented by the MEXT’s Challenging Research Program for Next Generation Researchers, and the Tokai National Higher Education and Research System (THERS).

Content of support Research Immersion Support: 180,000 yen/month, Research Expenses:  250,000yen/year
Grant period
3 Years (may be shorter depending on factors such as year level of admission)
Application period Pre-registration: Tuesday, September 7 to Monday, September 13 at 13:00 (JST) Friday, September 17 at 13:00 (JST) ※Extend the period.
Upload application documents: Wednesday, September 15 to Tuesday, September 21 at 13:00 (JST)
※Please contact your graduate school for deadlines regarding additional applications.
Eligibility Recruitment 1 Doctoral courses : Applicants must be in the first year of a doctoral course as of October 2021
Medicine doctoral courses: Applicants must be in the second year of a doctoral course as of October 2021
Recruitment 2 Doctoral courses : Applicants must be enrolled in the second year of a doctoral course as of October 2021
Medicine doctoral courses: Applicants must be enrolled in the third year of a doctoral course as of October 2021
Recruitment 3 Doctoral courses : Applicants must be enrolled in the third year of a doctoral course as of October 2021
Medicine doctoral courses : Applicants must be enrolled in the forth year of a doctoral course as of October 2021
Application field
 (Number of people in each of recruitments 1, 2, and 3)
(1)Bioscience field:32 recipients
(2)Interdisciplinary & Ground-breaking Sciences field:25 recipients
(3)Decarbonization & Environment field:25 recipients
(4)Glocal Research field :16 recipients
※The numbers to be recruited in the various fields are estimates, and may be adjusted among fields depending on the state of applications.



Application Overview (PDF format)


Application form (Word format)




Application Process* In the case of additional applications, please follow the information provided by the Graduate School.

(1) Pre-application registration

Pre-application registration is required for the issuing of an application number. Please fill out the pre-application registration form and register by the due date.

* You can only pre-register once, whether for the “Nagoya University Interdisciplinary Frontier Fellowship” or the “THERS Interdisciplinary Frontier Next Generation Researcher”
* Select your first to third choice of application fields. (However, second and third choices are optional.)

* Please note that the field of application cannot be changed after pre-application registration.

Click here for Pre-application registration Form <=For additional applications, this procedure will not be followed.


〇About the application number

You will be notified of your application number in an automatic reply email after completing the pre-application registration.
Your application number is also required for the Academic Advisor Recommendation (Form 3), so please share it with your academic advisor.

If you cannot see the automated reply, it may be in your email junk folder, or you may not have registered successfully. If you have not received the email response, be sure to confirm using the Inquiry Form.
“Inquiry form:https://dec.nagoya-u.ac.jp/inquiry/top


(2) Submission of Application Documents

①Nagoya University Applicants: Submit application documents through NUCT (Nagoya University Collaboration and Course Tools).

②Other Applicants: Submit application documents via e-mail.


(3) Submission of Video

①Nagoya University Applicants: Confirm the submission URL on the NUCT dashboard

②Other Applicants: After pre-application registration, confirm the submission URL by e-mail from the secretariat.


(4) Submission of Academic Advisor Recommendation

Click here for submission <=Submit directly from the advisor who wrote the recommendation letter.


Interview Day

We will conduct a 1st screening (document screening) and a 2nd screening (interview screening). However, some applicants who pass the 1st screening may, depending on their 1st screening results, be exempted from the 2nd screening and be accepted based only on the 1st screening. The 2nd screening (interview screening) is conducted for those who pass the 1st screening (document screening), except for those who are exempted from the 2nd screening.

The screening will basically be conducted based on your first choice field, although this may be changed to your second or third choice field, depending on the state of applications.


①Recruitment of AY2021: D1

Interview Date Thursday, October 21, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (JST)


②Recruitment of AY2021: D2, ③Recruitment of AY2021: D3

Interview Date Tuesday, November 2, 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. (JST)


Applicants will be notified about 2-3 days prior to the interview date via the Nagoya University Portal (NUPortal: https://portal.nagoya-u.ac.jp/) .
External applicants will be notified about 2-3 days prior to the interview date by email.
Please note that we cannot accept any requests regarding preferences for scheduling of interview date and time.

Interview-screening Procedure (PDF File)



Inquiries about the Researcher

If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact the Doctoral Education Consortium using the form below.



The latest information will be posted on this website as it becomes available.