Speaker: Wei Zeng ( Graduate School of Informatics )
Title: Why is there Philosophy of Mathematics?
We all have learned mathematics for many years. But there are some quesƟons that many people,
even many mathematicians have never seriously thought about, such as: what is mathematics? Is
it something that exists independent of our mind, or
something that we invented? What number is? What is number’s relation with all the things that
can be counted? These are quesƟons that philosophers are trying to figure out, but haven’t made
any agreement for many decades. In this presentation, I will introduce my research, which aims to
“do philosophy of mathematics in an interdisciplinary context” by implementing experimental
philosophy and compare the approach of understanding mathematics with metaethics.
Speaker: Nwadiuto Jude ( School of Engineering )
Title: Driving Behavior Analysis for Autonomous Driving
The dawn of autonomous driving has brought about disruption to the automotive industry. The concept
of level five autonomy have opened the partway to unconventional thoughts towards transportation. It
can be said that we are at the revolution of mobility. However, industrial realization of level five
autonomy is being held back by some social challenges such as, “How can automated cars coexist with
human driving cars?”, “How do we reflect personalized driving preferences in automated cars”. We
propose human driving behavior analysis and modeling to solve these issues.