The Technology Transfer Activities of TODAI TLO
(University –Industry Collaborations in Japan)
- 講義番号
- Lecture Number
- DIIprogram Solution Design_2020_07_17
- 更新日
- Update date
- 2020.07.15
- 公開日
- Release date
- 2020.07.15
Mr. Takafumi Yamamoto is the President and CEO of TODAI TLO, Ltd. (the Technology Licensing Organization of the University of Tokyo). TODAI TLO was founded in 1998 in aiming technology transfer between university and industry. TODAI TLO is the technology transfer organization of the University of Tokyo. It currently has 34 employees. TODAI TLO is a stock company, but it is wholly owned by the University of Tokyo, and receives about 600 invention disclosures annually. Its royalty revenues exceeded $12 million in 2018. All of the invention disclosures of the University of Tokyo are managed by TODAI TLO. TODAI TLO evaluates the patentability and marketability of all of these inventions, reports decisions on whether or not to file patent applications to the University, requests patent applications from an external patent attorney, and conducts licensing activities. TODAI TLO is a one-stop organization for licensing at the University of Tokyo. In addition, Mr. Yamamoto is also one of the board members of the University Network for Innovation and Technology Transfer (UNITT). He has been engaged in technology transfer from universities to industry for 24 years, since its earliest days in Japan. He has managed more than 1300 licenses and total license revenues of around $90 million. In this lecture, Mr. Yamamoto would like to mention about the activity of university - industry collaboration in Japan. Particularly, he wants to mention it how a change of the university-industry collaboration of Japan contributes to innovation.
Mr. Takafumi Yamamoto is the President and CEO of TODAI TLO, Ltd. (the Technology Licensing Organization of the University of Tokyo). TODAI TLO was founded in 1998 in aiming technology transfer between university and industry. TODAI TLO is the technology transfer organization of the University of Tokyo. It currently has 34 employees. TODAI TLO is a stock company, but it is wholly owned by the University of Tokyo, and receives about 600 invention disclosures annually. Its royalty revenues exceeded $12 million in 2018. All of the invention disclosures of the University of Tokyo are managed by TODAI TLO. TODAI TLO evaluates the patentability and marketability of all of these inventions, reports decisions on whether or not to file patent applications to the University, requests patent applications from an external patent attorney, and conducts licensing activities. TODAI TLO is a one-stop organization for licensing at the University of Tokyo. In addition, Mr. Yamamoto is also one of the board members of the University Network for Innovation and Technology Transfer (UNITT). He has been engaged in technology transfer from universities to industry for 24 years, since its earliest days in Japan. He has managed more than 1300 licenses and total license revenues of around $90 million. In this lecture, Mr. Yamamoto would like to mention about the activity of university - industry collaboration in Japan. Particularly, he wants to mention it how a change of the university-industry collaboration of Japan contributes to innovation.
- 題目
- Title
- The Technology Transfer Activities of TODAI TLO (University –Industry Collaborations in Japan)
- 実施形態
- SeminarForm
- 開催日
- Date
- 2020年07月17日
- 時間
- Time
- 16:30-18:00
- 講義室
- Venue
- 対象者
- Eligibility
DII students, LGS students, all students in Nagoya Univ.
- 定員
- Maximum Participants
- 50
- 参加費
- Fee
- No Fee
- 言語
- Language
- 講師
- Instructor
Mr. Takafumi Yamamoto
東大TLO & 東京大学エクステンション 代表取締役社長 / 東京大学 副理事
President and Representative Director of TODAI TLO & UTokyo Extension / Vice Director of the University of Tokyo
- 主催
- Host
DII (Deployer-Innovator-Investigator) Collaborative Graduate Program for Accelerating Innovation in Future Electronics
- 問い合わせ先
- Contact
ichiro.nishimoto@dii.engg.nagoya-u.ac.jp(DIIプログラム 特任准教授 西本一郎 )
ichiro.nishimoto@dii.engg.nagoya-u.ac.jp(DII Program Designated Associate Professor Ichiro Nishimoto)
Additional information