PhD skills training
It is rare for software developed by Japanese people to be widely used overseas. Is this because Japanese people lack international software development capabilities, or is there another reason? In this lecture, the developer of the open-source programming language Ruby, which is used worldwide, will introduce the "mind traps" that software developers are prone to and how to overcome them based on his own experience.
May 19, 2023
2:50pm-4:05pm (PST)
ES024 Lecture Room, ES Building 2F, NAGOYA Univ.
DII students, LGS students, all students in Nagoya Univ. & Gifu Univ.
No Fee
Rubyアソシエーション 理事長
Chairman, Ruby Association
The creator of the Ruby programming language.
Mr. MATSUMOTO graduated from the University of Tsukuba with a B.S. in computer science in 1990. He served as a missionary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Satins for 2 years while he was in the university.
2011 The Chief Architect, Ruby in Heroku, inc.
2007 The Chairman of Ruby Association
2007 Fellow of Rakuten Institute of Technology
1997 Fellow of Network Applied Communication Laboratory
DII (Deployer-Innovator-Investigator) Collaborative Graduate Program for Accelerating Innovation in Future Electronics
nishimoto.ichiro.d7@f.mail.nagoya-u.ac.jp(DII Program Designated Associate Professor Ichiro Nishimoto)
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